About Author

Md. Nasim Billah (Tufan) , 28-year-old boy who has Bangladeshi  enchanted, is a name that rose to become the first super boy of Bangladesh  by becoming the youngest Motivational Speaker and Article writer.  
Tufan Shares his vision of helping Bangladesh  become a United, Strong and Educated State. Inspired by Allama Muhammad Iqbal & Imran Khan, Tufan quotes his poetries and sayings in his speeches and keeps on reiterating that youth needs to know who Iqbal is and what has he proposed for the youth of Bangladesh  to act like.
Md. Nasim Billah (Tufan) belongs to Village-Sreeula, provincial capital of Dhaka Province of Bangladesh. Apart from his academic and professional career, Md. Nasim Billah (Tufan) is an active social worker as well. 
Several students sit enraptured as Md. Nasim Billah (Tufan) lectures them on how to make a life that matters. He has become all time favourite and a heartthrob of people around the country. People gather in numbers just to see a glimpse of this boy. He is the new wave of change and is encouraging the students to walk an extra mile and live their dreams.Boys Like Md. Nasim Billah (Tufan) are the examples of Emerging National Heroes. Tufan  sees himself as a leader in the future.


Md. Nasim Billah (Tufan)  is the student of law and recently he completed his post graduation degree from DIU.His unconventional way of study has made him capable of understanding and knowing what other students learn at the age from 30 to 45. His main focus, as he says in most of his lectures, is the empowerment for youth because he thinks that a country, with educated and professional youth, is a place of creativity, ingenuity, progress, innovation and invention. He not only studies academic curriculum but his studies incorporates the analysis of the factors that are deviating our youth from the right direction to a wrong path that leads toward ethical, moral and legal destruction.


Md. Nasim Billah (Tufan)  is known to be the Social activists, youtuber and the article writer. He has so far delivered lectures on various topics in different places. Most of his lectures are patriotic and focus the love and affection toward the country. His focus is also to educate the youth on how to make good living and a successful life by means of getting the practical knowledge and implementing the learned knowledge and teaching it to others as well. With a vision of making One, Educated and Strong Bangladesh , Tufan at the age of 28 has become a heart throb of the people who have listened to him and have started following him on social and electronic media. At present he is working as a customer complain management officer of Sheba company.

Mission :

  • Youth awareness about the real essence of education in the light of Iqbal’s philosophy.
  • Educating and Empowering orphans and poors to portray a positive image of Bangladesh  worldwide
  • Helping “Kids” become “Super Kids”


  • One, Strong and Educated & peaceful Bangladesh.  

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